Posts Tagged With: peroneal tendonitis

I Kind of Like KT Tape…A LOT

Actually, I love it…A LOT.

It’s a product that I had very little knowledge about but came across in desperation. I was injured during a Half Marathon training and with a looming race date quickly approaching, needed something. Anything. Enter KT Tape.

KT Tape stands for Kinesiology Tape. I’ve heard of athletes taping their body parts but never really gave much thought to it. I wondered if a strip of tape would really help. It does. This tape almost feels like fabric on one side and has a lot of elastic give on the other. You can cut it to whatever your needs are and there are TONS of uses for them and instructions on their website. I should also mention that you can use them in water and they sustain through a shower.

Here is a portion of what KT Tape does from their website. There’s a lot more information and it’s definitely worth checking out. Please read more about it here!!

Here is how it works, KT Tape is applied along muscles, ligaments, and tendons (soft tissue) to provide a lightweight, strong, external support that helps to prevent injury and speed recovery. KT Tape works differently for different injuries. KT Tape can lift and support the knee cap, holding it in place for Runner’s Knee. KT Tape can support sagging muscles along the arch of the foot, relieving the connective tissues for Plantar’s Fasciitis. And KT Tape can lift the stress off of shin splints to allow pain release and give the body a better opportunity to recover. Depending on how it is applied, KT Tape supports, enables, or restricts soft tissue and its movement. By stretching and recoiling like a rubber band, KT Tape augments tissue function and distributes loads away from inflamed or damaged muscles and tendons, thereby protecting tissues from further injury.

I usually always tape my knee(s) but have used them for peroneal tendonitis, posterior tibialis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, hamstrings, IT band, low back, and hip flexor.

Knee Tape version 1

Knee Tape version 1

Knee Tape version 2

Knee Tape version 2

Knee and posterior tibialis

Knee and posterior tibialis



Shin splints

Shin splints

Knee Tape for NWM DC 2013. Boston Strong.

Knee Tape for NWM DC 2013. Boston Strong.

The standard packaging comes in cute plastic cylinders that you can reuse.

KT Tape

But you can also buy them cut or uncut in a jumbo roll. These large rolls only come in beige and black but I love them because I use them so frequently and they’re awesome for training use. I use fancier colors for races and coordinate with what I’m wearing. I know, I know, total dork.

KT Tape

KT Tape

And lastly if you wear them during the summer, you get a gnarly tan line like this. It may look kind of weird to others, but like compression socks, you get a nod from other runners and athletes because they know exactly why you got them and what they are. I call it my badge of awesome.


DONE PILE 7/17-19 (totally overdue, I apologize in advance for the photo vomit I’m about to do)


6 mile-treadmill, 1.5 incline

2 mile-treadmill, 1.5 incline


  1. Back squat
  2. Front squat
  3. 45 degree single leg press
  4. Calf raise  **superset** Hanging leg raise
Wolverine Leg Day Week 1

Wolverine Leg Day Week 1

Back and Bicep

  1. Pull up
  2. Dumbbell single-arm row
  3. Body weight row
  4. Incline dumbbell curl
  5. Zottman curl,cross body curl, pronated curl (back to back)
Wolverine Back and Bicep week 1

Wolverine Back and Bicep Week 1

Slambooyplankchallenge and Skinnychickblog Wall Sit Challenge

Slambooyplankchallenge and Skinnychickblog Wall Sit Challenge, Day 17

Slambooyplankchallenge and Skinnychickblog Wall Sit Challenge, Day 16

Slambooyplankchallenge and Skinnychickblog Wall Sit Challenge, Day 18

Slambooyplankchallenge and Skinnychickblog Wall Sit Challenge, Day 17

Slambooyplankchallenge and Skinnychickblog Wall Sit Challenge, Day 19

Slambooyplankchallenge and Skinnychickblog Wall Sit Challenge, Day 18

Krav Maga Combat Class

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